- Home
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- Top articles
- Projects
- Binary heap: Build heap proof
- AVL tree
- Splay tree
- Fibonacci heap
- Binomial heap
- Binary heap
- Red-black tree
- Binary search tree
- Inlining constants with const enums in TypeScript
- Readonly Typed Arrays in TypeScript
- Replacing Google Analytics
- Migrating xterm.js from TSLint to ESLint
- Testing using the Azure Cosmos DB Emulator in Azure Pipelines
- How Shells Work: The cd Builtin Command
- Using the Intersection Observer web API to improve performance
- How to fix nvm slowing down terminal initialisation
- Fast and Simple JavaScript FPS Counter
- VS Code - Integrated Terminal Performance Improvements
- Working with 32-bit processes on 64-bit Windows
- Implement a maximum value aware stack
- Five years
- Mastering VS Code's Terminal
- Radix sort (LSD)
- VS Code - Hot Exit Comes to Insiders
- Odd-even sort
- Comb sort
- Binary heap: Build heap proof
- Enabling pull requests on GitHub wikis
- Redirecting DOM events
- Synchronising Visual Studio Code extensions
- Four years
- Sorting Visualiser
- Cocktail sort
- Sharing settings between Visual Studio Code stable and insiders builds
- Simulating tabs with custom keybindings in Visual Studio Code
- Moving on from Amazon
- Migrating a blog from Jekyll to Ghost
- A shell script to run Visual Studio Code in the terminal
- Check if a binary tree is balanced
- Find the median of two sorted arrays
- Find the kth last element in a linked list
- AVL tree
- Bucket sort
- Escaping backtick in Markdown
- Splay tree
- Giving better answers on Stack Overflow
- Colours and formatting in Gnome/Ubuntu's Terminal
- Multiple language code snippets have been added to the site
- Performing heavy actions on events that fire frequently
- Three years
- Setting up redirects for GitHub pages
- Making abbr elements touch accessible
- Speed index: measuring page load time a different way
- What CSS variables can do that preprocessors can’t
- Detecting tap events on touch-enabled devices
- Order a JS array by multiple properties
- My experiences upgrading from Maruku to Kramdown
- Sorting algorithms
- Fibonacci heap
- Detecting number of siblings with CSS
- XML sitemaps in Jekyll
- Counting sort
- Asking better questions on Stack Overflow
- Two years
- SQL data sanitisation scripts
- Get your nose out of my user agent
- CSS preprocessors are here to stay
- Enabling the new and improved shares on Google+
- Languages and Chinese characters on the web
- Implementing loops in LESS
- Reverse a linked list
- XML sitemaps
- Given random5(), implement random7()
- How to make a bookmarklet
- async vs defer attributes
- Atom feed templates in Jekyll
- A gentle introduction to Git
- Optimisation and validation tools for web development
- Determine if a string is a palindrome
- Bubble sort
- Embedding CodePens on a Jekyll site
- Flyweight design pattern
- Redesign #3: From Blogger to GitHub Pages
- Understanding placeholder selectors
- Binomial heap
- Handy adb commands for Android
- Visitor design pattern
- progress HTML element
- SVG Stack Overflow icon
- How to remove the default Blogger assets
- Design patterns
- Selection sort
- output HTML element
- q HTML element
- samp HTML element
- You can now inspect pseudo-elements in the Chrome DevTools!
- kbd HTML element
- Moving to the US for work
- CSS multi-coloured rectangular borders
- Greatest common divisor (GCD) with working
- Add an icon to Sublime Text's context menu
- Advanced media queries with Sass and LESS
- Updating your Google account's country
- The Fibonacci sequence
- GitHub and my plans for the blog
- Coming to America
- Implement a queue using 2 stacks
- Reverse a string
- Integer division without the division operator (/)
- All permutations of a set
- All combinations of a set
- Hide your testing methods using InternalsVisibleTo
- Converting a type name into a readable string
- Optional parameters in Dart
- Dart, my first steps
- Change the tab size on GitHub using a custom style extension
- Disabling the context menu with Dart
- One year
- Using relative directions in content on the web
- Use .Any() in your LINQ to SQL queries
- Check out the deleted questions on Stack Overflow
- Merging Dictionary objects
- Aligning an element with background-size:cover
- sticky-header-js
- A clearfix without additional markup
- C# passing a reference type by ref
- Headers with a vertically-centered horizontal line
- Triangles in CSS
- Use Symbol Hound to search for symbols
- Converting a string to the 'best-fitting' type
- Data-bind a Knockout.js model infinitely deep
- What data structures the .NET collections use
- Select a solution file without previewing
- Polymorphism, methods, interfaces and concrete types
- Go to active document in Visual Studio 2012 solution explorer
- Using enum as a generic type
- Let me pinch-to-zoom your responsive site
- Korean Vocab Widget
- Binary heap
- Entity framework delete all entities extension method
- A List<T>.BinarySearch extension that takes a lambda expression
- Manipulating the size of List<T>
- Start using System.Threadng.Tasks.Parallel now!
- Redesign #2
- Apply fonts based on language using CSS3
- Merry Christmas!
- Use razor comments in MVC views not HTML comments
- ASP.NET MVC display and editor templates
- Facade design pattern
- Red-black tree
- Quicksort
- Factory method design pattern
- Enabling USB debugging on your Nexus 10 under Windows
- Use Ctrl+Shift to run as administrator
- Heapsort
- Debug JavaScript using event listener breakpoints
- Binary search
- Advanced CSS selectors
- Insertion sort
- Merge sort
- Decorator design pattern
- Big-O notation
- Making Umbraco Courier publish on transfer
- Windows 8 hidden shortcut to system-ey things
- Organising the app groups on your start screen
- Strongly-typed SQL scripts in a Visual Studio project
- Type ? to view hotkeys in Google services
- Binary search tree
- More on jQuery id selection performance
- Use prettyprint in the Chrome debugger
- jQuery attr('id') vs [0].id performance
- Web Platform Docs
- Button slide down hover effect
- Chrome Gmail logo in pure CSS
- Creating a 'trail' effect in canvas
- Redesign #1
- Removing an annoying entry from autocomplete
- Sass mixins vs placeholder selectors
- Custom helper for surrounding a block in markup with MVC
- Pure CSS VS11-like 'working' animation
- Add popups to your links with CSS3 and HTML5
- C# lesser known keywords part 1
- Using the HTML5 date picker with backwards compatibility
- How to select a HTML table column using jQuery
- IIS 6 not serving .docx files
- Pseudo-classes vs pseudo-elements
- CSS selectors you must know
- Extension methods
- Func<> and Action<> basics in C#
- Using razor within an Umbraco template
- ASP.NET MVC inline functions in a razor view
- Delegation design pattern
- Getting around the mailto character limit
- Implementing simple site themes using Sass
- What is a CSS reset?
- Make tags keyboard accessible with tabindex
- Easy sortable HTML tables using jQuery
- Centering text vertically using CSS
- Passing parameters to jQuery event handlers
- Using google-code-prettify in your blog
- Use the tbody tag to group multiple tr tags
- A* pathfinding algorithm
- Creating custom objects in JavaScript
- JavaScript arrays
- How to center a block using CSS
- Singleton design pattern
- Use image search for icon ideas everyone understands
- Touch != Click
- Lazy loading design pattern
- Google Drive is not yet enabled for your Google Apps domain
- Sass: Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets
- Radix sort (LSD)