Sharing settings between Visual Studio Code stable and insiders builds
If you jump between Visual Studio Code stable and insiders builds a lot like me, you may want to share your config files between the two programs.
This can be achieved fairly easily with a couple of symlinks, provided you know where the config files are. Start by transferring any settings you need from insiders over the the stable config as you will be deleting the current insiders config. Then run this script to clear out the insiders config files and create symlinks that point to the stable config files.
INSIDERS_CONFIG="$HOME/.config/Code - Insiders/User"
rm "$INSIDERS_CONFIG/keybindings.json"
rm "$INSIDERS_CONFIG/settings.json"
ln -s "$STABLE_CONFIG/keybindings.json" \
ln -s "$STABLE_CONFIG/settings.json" \
The insiders build will now use the settings of the stable build!
While this could work for extensions as well, it’s probably best to stay away from them as version incompatibilities are much more likely to cause issues. I’m going to wait until installing and uninstalling extensions is supported through the official CLI before attempting to set up a nice extension sync solution.